Connect to your BigCommerce Storefront and run the business from your mobile. With this app, you can do the following:
Dashboard: Real-time Dashboard of Revenue, Orders (with status split) for Last 24 hours, 7 days & 30 days. Details include revenue booked, number of orders, order fulfilled, orders incomplete (abandoned carts), orders shipped, orders cancelled and orders disputed. Last one week sales trends are also presented. (In-app product: $1.99/month subscription)
Orders: View list of orders (latest first) or drill down into specific order to view value, items ordered, billing & shipping address, staff notes, customer comments and full details of the customer. You can filter orders by status, search any order by ID, change status of any particular order or add staff notes. Additionally, you can view/add shipment & tracking info for any order. Abandoned carts are also available as 'Incomplete Orders'. Staff notes can be added through the app. (In-app product: $0.99/month subscription)
Customers: View list of customers (latest first) or drill down into specific customer to look at contact details, past orders. You can search for specific customer by name or email ID. Additionally, you can email customers right through the app. (In-app product: $0.99/month subscription)
Products: View list of products or search any product using SKU or name. View/Edit any product detail including product images, inventory level, price, SKU or description. Images can be uploaded right from your mobile picture gallery or camera. You can also create and add new products through the app. (In-app product: $3.99/month subscription)
Coupons: View/Edit all active/inactive coupons at your storefront. Coupon details include coupon type, value, description and validity dates. New coupons can also be created on the fly. (In-app product: $2.99/month subscription)
Gift Cards: View/Edit all active/exhausted gift cards. Details include code, original value, value used, purchaser and recipient. You can also search for specific gift card issued. ( (In-app product: $2.99/month subscription)
Website Banners: View/Edit all banners created for your website. Modify them as desired using our editor and reload them to your storefront. Change campaign dates, location of banner, category or the tag-lines often right through the app. You can also add all new banners. (In-app product: $2.99/month subscription)
Notifications: Through the settings, you can add real-time mobile notifications for any new order placed, new customer added, new abandoned cart or cancelled order. (In-app product: $3.99/month subscription)
Authentication: App supports both Private Key and Oauth based authentication to login into the app. Please use the help video on the login screen for appropriate login help.
Initial login and certain features in the app are free. All other features need a subscription service as per the pricing mentioned against individual features.
Please send us feature or support requests at
This app is independently developed by AquaAPI LLC (a tech partner to BigCommerce)
仪表板:为最近24小时的收入,订单(具有状态拆分)的实时仪表盘,7天及30天。详细信息包括收入预订的,订单号,订单履行,订单不完整的(废弃车),订单发货,取消的订单和订单争议。为期一周的销售趋势也呈现。 (应用内商品:$ 1.99 /月的订阅)
订单:订单的视图列表(最新第一),或深入到特定的顺序查看值,物品订购,计费和送货地址,工作人员记录,客户的意见和客户的全部细节。您可以按状态过滤订单,通过ID搜索任何顺序,更改任何特定的顺序的状态,或增加员工的笔记。此外,还可以查看/发表出货和跟踪信息的任何命令。被遗弃的车,也可以作为“未完成订单”。工作人员记录可以通过应用程序被添加。 (应用内商品:$ 0.99 /月的订阅)
客户:客户的视图列表(最新第一),或深入到特定的客户看联系方式,过去的订单。您可以通过姓名或电子邮件ID搜索特定的客户。此外,您可以直接通过应用程序的电子邮件客户。 (应用内商品:$ 0.99 /月的订阅)
产品介绍:产品视图列表或使用搜索SKU或名称的任何产品。查看/编辑的任何产品细节,包括产品图片,库存水平,价格,SKU或描述。图像可以直接从您的手机图片库或相机上传。您还可以创建并通过应用程序添加新产品。 (应用内商品:$ 3.99 /月的订阅)
优惠券:查看/编辑你的店面都有效/无效的优惠券。优惠券的细节,包括优惠券类型,值,描述和有效日期。新的优惠券也可以动态创建。 (应用内商品:$ 2.99 /月的订阅)
礼品卡:查看/编辑所有活动/耗尽礼品卡。详细信息包括代码,原来的价值,用价值,购买者和接受者。您也可以搜索特定的发行礼品卡。 ((应用内商品:$ 2.99 /月的订阅)
网站横幅:查看/编辑为您的网站创建的所有横幅。修改它们利用我们的编辑需要的和他们重装店面。更改活动日期,横幅的位置,类别或标记线往往直接通过应用程序。您还可以添加所有的新旗帜。 (应用内商品:$ 2.99 /月的订阅)
声明:通过设置,可以对任何新的订单放在增加实时移动的通知,新客户增加,新的废弃车或取消订单。 (应用内商品:$ 3.99 /月的订阅)
这个程序是由独立LLC AquaAPI(一个技术合作伙伴的Bigcommerce)开发